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Friday, July 17, 2009

term break 09

this term break has made me want to stay in melbourne for a little longer. that i might have made the wrong decision to want to head back so early? well maybe not (: pros and cons? i guess despite my complaining how boring melbourne iz and how boring melbourne can be, with friends around, there's no such thing as boredom (: with makes sense, wherever there is friends, there iz fun.

during my last week of holidays, i finally understood and saw how a group of friends can really make a whole lot of difference in my life. for the past week, i've been meeting up with the same group of friends, my church friends here (: opening up my house and inviting them over for dinner, cooking together at my place(even though they're the ones doing most of the cooking), doing things together. last minute decisions to drive around looking for nice yummy stuff to eat (: it finally feels as though i belong somewhere here.

it finally feels like i am myself again?
being that busy meeting people person.
being that person who's finally doing things not juz for herself and for the others around.
well it did dawn upon me that my coming to melbourne isnt juz about me completing my degree. it did dawn upon me that having been here for 5months, i've yet to achieve anything that i would want to hold on to during my stay here. keith was right, God iz universal, He isnt limited by geographical boundaries, so what makes me even tink that my serving God should only be back in home and not here. i need to do more things for God here, i want to do more. it does feel as though without that part, it's like a piece of me isnt right..
and i chanced upon the opportunity that through the club, i can impact more people. because we know that He is worth it (: one thing i will always rem. i'm not here to join smth that's already fun. i'm here to be the fun.

i AM getting really rusty. i need more oil. fresh oil would be nice (: seeing 9 new faces at lifegroup was definitely heartening (: even though 99% of the new friends who joined us were all males. we females are totally outnumbered now (: but i'm sure God loves both males and females alike (:

so, school has started again, and i'm back to lectures and tutorials. i'm only the first week into uni and i can feel the stress building at foreseeing the upcoming and oncoming workload i'll be facing. i'm one week into uni and yes, bff, i'm already lagging behind cuz one week has already past me by. it's time to start the student's life.

i realised i didnt reply my dearest taggers!
apologies and i shall do it here :p
chuanz: i hope it's not my footwear? but, it doesnt really explain why it's still hurting even after 1and half weeks! ): maybe cuz i haven stopped walking yet :p
yiren: linked!
tayxi: you guys could take shadow shots too! :D see you in 3months' time! (:
dt: thanks for spamming (:

sorry for not updating my blog!
and if this post iz all over the place, pardon me cuz i decided i needed to blog but i juz couldnt sort out my brain to blog :p so yeah (:

til i bored and decide to blog again :p

*throbs @15:16 <3

  1. Blogger nadia | 7:56 PM |  

    haha have fun! =)

Leave your response



"Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have. It depends solely upon what you think."
— Dale Carnegie

Most people don't believe it, but it really is possible to think yourself happy. You start with one happy thought followed by another and another until pretty soon you're stacking them on top of each other, like layers of joy bricks. After awhile, you will have built such a solid wall of happy thoughts around yourself that wherever you go, you'll radiate joy. And all because one day you made the decision that no matter what, you were going to think a happy thought.

happiness is YOURS to control (:


pst kong. sun ho. pst phil. pst CK. evelyn.

KT. aileen. amandafaith. ben. charis. darice. david. emily. huanli. jonathan. leticia. nadia. serena. shirley. torrance.

e290. ailin. alex. amelia. andrea. audrey. chia. esther. genghao. huiyen. jiahui. josephine. leeying. raymond. tayxi. wenmin. xinyi. yiren. zhuting.

arvinA. B. chuanli. crystal. daryl. jon. judith. junjun. kaiyi. kenneth. mr low. nicholas. pokiat. rachel. rodney. serene. siyao. zeling.

2Ho3. ak. grace. jingwen. joel. ziqi.

aaron. allen. kennethlui. sze gay.

ccm. eugene.

mabel. riana. yonghui.

chengjun. eugenia. jonathan.. ms tay. phildia. tabitha.. wenmei..



if tagboard doesnt appear, please click refresh!!
dun go without tagging! (:


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